One Step Closer
Life is full of decisions and we continually make them all the time. First we have to decide our priorities and then the direction will will take in life to focus our aims, goals, energies and ambitions. We have to choose to have a faith that is real, alive and vibrant and embrace eternity as a real solution to the problem of life and death. Choosing to take decisions and then masking the right ones is one of those hard core parts and aspects of life that simply cannot be accounted for in the normal way as the precious gift of life that we all impart and undertake is so much greater than the decision to die. Never the less death is real and we have to do our best to avoid it at all costs.
Being smart and staying out of trouble is only the first step in the direction of living longer lives and aiming for the God given gift of longetivity. If God gives the gift, then we must follow God and if money is the central key to our lives and we follow money, then unfortuately death is the main result. It is hard to put a priority on life and like the light that has come into the world, so the end is ever so soon and present. What we all should be looking for is to be taking one step closer to God each day and following in that direction where he has the best for us and has walked the path first, where the right ways of tried and proven results, lead and guide our lives to manifest themselves in the realm of eternity and heaven here on earth. One step closer, should be one step further in the right direction of what God has planned for ourr lives.
The problem is that the central focus on self is all too important and we lose the picture of the vision of the greater purpose outside ourselves. One where there is a world without war and where peace and happiness is the all important idea of goal attainment. We can't afford to rest while one man lies on the street dieing and we can't give up hope of one more soul being one to heaven, while others in their disbelief are unrepentantly going to hell. The key is a simple one and that is putting others first before yourself. The one step closer is the achievement of the goal of the new direction taking place and leading into the right way of a positive future which is brighter and happier for all. Give up your hell bent ways of self importance and refocus on the new direction of being one step closer to God in the new direction of eternal life.