Making Right Decisions

Making right decisions is part of the fine tuning for the ideal end destination for our lives. Of course the path is just as important on the journey as the end result of success, however you define it. Success orientation can be our central focus instead or an eternal plan for heaven and that elusive retirement package of peace and happiness in a vibrant and happy environment. This goal of an idealistic lifestyle is often elusive and hard to get, but if we can travel the path that leads to this elusive gift of eternal happiness we find the common cause and purpose of a sustained environment to be maintained and survived by all. Making right decisions should lead to utopia and often it does, but also often it does not. Capitalizing on the right path as we take the journey of life is how we learn to manage our unique ideal situation of living life.

The to making wrong decisions leads us down the path of trouble and corruption and we should avoid these wrong directions at all times and at all costs.The beauty of this living right is the production of happiness and that the fruit of our efforts are highly rewarded by making right choices. God path is the right one if you can find it but it is narrow and hard, it can be also lonely if you go it by your self and there are many people who are commonly seeking the right, true and narrow path of life which you can find and see and walk the path together. This community of bonding or family interaction is a societal high if you can manage to attain this path. Right deciseions will lead you there but you must make right decisions all the time, read, write and look to God for guidence. Laws are made for a reason and to follow then is pure and righteous wisdom, which lead to life and eternity that God calls us to endure and live. God is the right way first and money both helps and comes by living under Gods direction of making right and guided decisions for our lives.

Go to Him in prayer and ask for assistance as He is only to happy to help for those and all who ask. Stay in tune with yourself while you seek God and remember to focus on Him as you try and eventuate to make those right decisions of the right way to take in life. Making right decisions not only leads in the right direction along the path of life but also makes us happy in the course of the process. This is the ideal and critical path to take if we can only find it and make the right decisions to be happy. Making money and being rich may be right to some people but the journey is always more important than the final destination and making right choices with purpose will give you enough money to be content with and rich in heavenly treasures, which are more than all the material possessions on earth.