Negative Reaction

The furture direction of the new way of living has some negatives. people are stuck in their old way of doing things an do not wnat to change. As well, social pleasures overide the health issues of longetivity. WE all tend to think of our own happiness first and this can be in a form of distorted thinking. The more I get the happier I will be instead of caring about the well being of others, we pigheadedly think of oursleves and and our own personal deserires for pleasure and what self gains we can atrratc an then have more money to buy more things with, Sure we all need more money for the daily necessities of food and bills, suporting a family kids enjoyment and entertainment, but for ourselves we have to learn to be reserved and shrugal in the affordability of cost of living expenses.

Restraint and caution are often better than indulgence and splashing out on spending sprees, by exercising restraint in spending we are learning to conserve resources for a longer time some where not to far or in the distant future of our spending requirements. Saving is the necessary precaution of budgeting and spending and saving, while often completely opposed, counterbalance one another in what we can have and what we cannot but must reserve for another time. Thinking of ourselves is right where saving is concerned, but the outlandish spending of indulgent lunches all the time for the expansion of our waste lines simply does not add up or make sense when you must consdier health benefits by working and exercise.

We simply must learn to show restraint and exercixe caution in living not only with food but also with fuel as necessary energies are produced but lacidaisical attitudes to exercising care and consideration towards others is nonoccurring and can lead to pointless accidents and incapacitations. We must be frugal and show retraint without depriving ourself of all enjoyment, as some indulgenses are required to be happy but with the caring attitude towards others and the benefical reciprocal reply to benefit others. I don't want to be a wet blanket in all directiosn but just show and shine a little light on the advantages of restraint for saving and having enough for when you really need it than simply wasting all money all at ionce on what seems to be the pointless exercise of self indulgence.The negative reation to health is against self indulgence but restraint shows the exercise of care.