Mental Stability

Well being mental is not all that it cracked up to be, I can vouch for that. The thing is that once you have recogonised that you have a mental illness, it is all about treating it ad getting well. No one likes not having a logical mindset or clear thing for making daily decisions. Mental stability is about is about spiritual and physical well being, which is closely followed by being wel mentally. This (mental illness) is both a challenging and delibitating illness that affects your mind and thinking and to have stability of mind then you have to have a brain that is cognitvely conditioned to think normally. In an abstract world the idea of being normal is a hard to define as a word by itself, but rational and congruent thinking with a community service minded outlook, helps the internal mindset to function under this condition of and as being normal.

Mental stability is also about focusing on the positives in life and by letting the negative aspects slip by until you are able and capable to deal with them, first you must get well and have that biological sense of well being, in that your thinking logical and normally congruently and inline with the common and group thought of a functioning society. mental stability means that you can work and generally hold down a job for a sustained period of time, it means that you can communicate on a rational level in society and relate to conscenous depictures of reasonable expectations of others. It means being inline with other peoples rational ideas that agree with your own and allowing independance to assist you with the day to day plans and goals to help others who may also have this mental illness. Normal working aspects and objectives then come intoplay in putting social structures and people networks together, where by you can interealte and raitional function normal or what might be considered normal in a family and community relationships.

Once again it is good and advisable to have some church attendance and assistance where by you can relate with people who have a right persepective on life and also fit into small groups to study the Bible.This social interaction and even a quiet prayer time is all positively stimulating to functioning normal. Mental stability is indeed hard to achieve and once you have gone off the track too far is is a long, hard and slow journey back on the right and normal path, but yes you can do it, with enough commintent and determination, you can eventually achieve this much desired condition of mental stabily once again. You may have once known it when you were young or you may be young still and are still seeking and in search of it, but don't give up as it is a treasure that is well and for all its efforts worth stiving for.Try and drink plenty of clean and clear water. With Gods help you can do it, reach mental stability.