Everything Has A Cost

It is well known that on earth nothing is free and that everything has a price. We simply have to pay for each individual possion we seek to aquire and attain of if we are caught steeling we will be fined or go to jail. In the endeavour to do this, pay for those things we desire or require, we must earn enough money through the dilligent pursual of each of our own work efforts. The requirement of self satisfaction to own enough goods and things, to feed our kids and ourselves by being able to put enough food on the table for alleviate starvation and hunger pains for empty stomachs, for sustanace and endurance to basicallly just have enough to live on and be happy and content.

If everything was just dropped in our laps and we did not have to earn or attian the necessities we must have for survival, it would be a free world for all and that would lead to injustice inequality. Not that we are not all free if we do the right thing, in fact if we all slave away for our own self gain, we are really defeting the purpose of working towards a common good. But still we must all consider indivdually our daily needs and requirements, expenses and costs. There is really enough for al, but still everything has a cost each individual item is hand crafted or massed produced at a capacity of world extravegence. Therefore being able to contribute and pay for ourselves is a highly sort after desire and nicety that is a priveledge to earn and pay.

This can be a limited or limitless amount, If we had to pay for everything as a whole conscenous each and individually it would be a mass crime, with greed as the surmountable crime of sufferring independance. If we budget correctly and and are content with our pay, then we can slowly and surely acquire enough for each day to day need and specifity and as the weeks and months progress still be able to manage and meet those requirements. Being influential and powerful is not necessarily the way to get what you want, being humble and kind is often a much more desireable and pleasant way to live. Satisfying our own pleasures is not reall the best way to deal with life, but iof you can work out what others need then you learn to suit you own purposes in a much more desired way and efficiency.

Sure let us not forget that everything has a price, but also let us remember that we have to contribute to make things work, serve to earn, don't be a slave to stupidity, but each endeavour love others as much as you love yourself and above all put God first for the requirements of all your needs. God Bless.