Please Pay The Price

Please pay the price, was the question asked before the man was put to death for murder. Just like Christ hung on the cross to pay the price for all that others may go free and have the right to life that he was so tragically going to be denied, because he stood up to the leaders and authorities of His time. Only to rub salt into their wounds and rise from the dead to totally humiliate them. You see you simply can't put a good man down and God will have the victory no matter what we do, right or wrong, there must be fairness and justice for all. Please pay the price I was asked, but I don't have enough I said and he said go in peace, the price was paid for us all.

So now as I consider my pay cheque and going into the next store for that food item or luxury thing that I need or simply must have, I must way the cost with what I have and can afford, be reasonable with my own expectations of myself and for myself. If Christ gave it all, then surely I can pay the price to satisfy one of my luxury needs or wants of daily necessary requirements. A gift is free and you must not be expected to pay for it, even though you may feel compelled to return the favour in some other way. To earn your own way and be able to pay for what you need is one of those daily delights of indulgence that give us self worth and a feeling of accompmplishment. Sure there is a price and a cost and usually associated with that is a whole lot of pain and pride that goes hand in hand with self requirements.

The good news is that if you have got the money then you can pay for what ever you want, the bad news is if you have not got the money and cannot pay then you must get it from some other means and way within the legal means of the system and legalities or you end up in jail. In jail you will pay whether you like it or not with your own freedom in sufferring chaos, torment and hell, confined to your own personal cell.