Time Is So Important

Time is so important, yet so often do we underestimate its value in our quest for more money all the time. We all have to learn to slow down and see what God has install for us, what lies hidden in the kingdom of God and what the treasures of heaven are. Just as the earth turns a full revolution in 24 hours and we race around like mad things as if we were a chicken with its head cut off to do the best we can to get everything we can as soon as we can. Even as there are 360 degrees in those 24 hours, and 365 days in the year, we try and do everything at once and it just insn't humanly possible, we have to learn to slow down and take our time and do things properly and not haphazzard, just any old how.

Rome wasn't built in a day and rushing around will not get things done quicker, because you will make mistakes. Time is so important because by pacing oursleves we are taking time for God and looking to Him in all we need, require and ask for and He will give us money to use and spend wisely but he also expects us to take time for Him and rest on the sabbath and not race everyone for everything all the time. Time is mean't to be respected, just like money, but we all really need to put God first in our lives and time, before money and God will take care of the rest of the things that we need in His good time, with His abundant supplies of everything in the kingdom of heaven. I have written many pages of poetry and rhyme to try and make meaning out of the kingdom of God and create time from written verse in rhyming couplets. It is nice to read lines of verse that give ou an idea of time, in that if it rhymes we don't have to worry about time. It also creates meaning and a heavenly perspective for peaceful existance. It leads to productivity and salvation if we dedicate our work to God and invite Him in and include Him in our written dialogue of work.

Even though we can't earn our salvation but that comes from the unmerited favour of God we can contribute to the kingdom of God and help win souls through that creative work that Christ can use for His heavenly purposes. If you have peace of mind you have have more time for Godly things and more time for yourself to if you commit your work to God. We need to make sense out of things and having more time to do the things I want has more appeal to me then trying to win the lottery or win on a horse race for a quick selfish gain that ends up in a loss. when God is in control, everything alse falls into palce, just like the hands of a clock or watch turn slowly on the hour every hour, so to are the days of ou lives.

They made a TV show out of that because it is still so very true. People need to get the idea and work smarter and not harder, living to glorify God and not for selfish endeavour,the money will come in time, you can be sure of that, but take time out for God and Sunday services at church and God will give you His good time back in all the ways you need it for everything, not just expanding your bulge or buying a faster car and bigger house all the time. Give God you money to and he will give you back tenfold in finances and all the time on the world to do what you like with it, as long as you continue to glorify Him, He will reward you. Take time to make time, have time to know time and be enough time to be grand in time.