I Could Not See You

I could not see you, nor could you see me, what you were doing or what you were reading and what was happening around the world. I had to have faith and trust that you were doing the right thing just like you had to apply those principles to me to. In a world of self indulgence and spiritual blindness because of greed and personal desires, we all become intoxicated with what is going on in the world and forget what is around us and in our own daily lives and existence. I could not see you or the big picture of God in heaven. I am not picking on anyone in particular, but I just see a world of indulgence and spiritual denial to the poor and a complete lack of thanks for all the good that is being done and just a take, take, take world. There is a lot of good being done in the world and that is what I mean by what I am writing about, I could not see you but I trusted and I hoped that there was people out there working for good and to build a better world. Still people want to complain about the little things that do not matter when our world seems to be falling down around us.

Bush fires in Australia as what have been described as catastrophic conditions and even apocaliptic as some kind of phrophecy from the Bible, where Ezekiel, Isaiah and Jerimaih warn us about the coming gloom and doom. It is not some kind of personal vendebtor, but a mass turning away from the faith from the one in who and whom loves us. All have sinned and gone there own way The Bible says but thanks be to The Lord Jesus who rescues us from this state of sin. This is nothning new really, it happened in Bible times with Noah, Babel and The Israelites under Moses. Has no-one listened, have we all become so corrupt that God's mercy is few and far between, just because we have given up on God, does not mean that God has given up on us.

These are early warning signs, that if we don't turn from our evil ways and repent and come back to God, then we are in for more of the same I am afraid. God is a good God and wants the best for our lives, but we all think that we know best and try to get as much as we can for ourselves, something happens, things snap and break. God sends the rain in the end to finish the most severe drought we have ever had, but we must listen and harken to Him or he will plunge us into darkness again. If we don't listen and don't see, forget the one who gave it all, then we are in for more of the same I am afraid. I could not see you, it was no one imparticular person, but we all failed to do the right thing. I am not pointing the finger at anyone, we can all recognise our own shame and guilt if we own up and admit to the truth. I can't see you, but God can, he experiences all the wrong and right for Himself, He is judge and He alone. I did not start any fires and nor would I, just remember the frozen winter up North and snow on the roof tops and log fires burning in the houses to stop them freezing to death.

These are severe climatic conditions, they are not permanent iif we act now and change our behaviour patterns. In a few years time we could get the coldest Winter we have ever had down South to. Climatic conditions are not permanent, they change like the weather. God is in control of that to if you like me just have enough faith to believe in that to. Just remember that I could not see you nor predict the changes from God's level, I read and write, God sees and does the rest, we should listen to God and follow Him and He will help us recognise what is right for all our lives. This is not the end of the world as Revelations describes it, but an enormous wake up call to come back to God, are you willing or do we all want to self destruct