Cognitive Connection

The sun shines as bright as the mind thinks so too is the brains thoughts with cognitive connection. Associating like things in a structured pattern that link in perpetual kindnesses. Sharpening this process in perceptual repercussions enables associations in forms of logical understandings with clarity of thought into a heavenly state of peace of mind. It can be communicated or organised from perceiving understanding of collation. Like cogs in a machine driven by a motor they finally connect with the friction point which drives them where every they want to go.

The reaction and purpose needs to be of clear formation which evolved out of ongoing and proven ideas, purposing new and creative ideas which formulate change, cognitive connection is then a utilisation of the change that has form over different people and the contributions to this process. Just as the brain controls all parts and organs of the body, the cognitive connection process interacts with other people and their systems producing a new and pristine thought process through clarification and modification of existing lateral and parallel thinking this new concept connects cognitively with surrounding organisations and reorganises again to an actualisation of management in the thought hierarchy an process.

The process is the procedure but the actual cognitive connection is the concept and all arising procedures of it finally develop.