Concerned Within

The anatomy of self is a subject philosophised by a lot of modern day psychologists. Understanding the heart and mind or critical analytical structure of the brains subconscious and conscious. Is a personal development which is supposed to increase and modernise the intellectual intellect. Therefore is self or it's derivative selfishness wrong or right. If we make up our idea on what makes man tick and what's beats inside him to give him life then we will be concerned within the nature of God himself. Worries, anxieties and stresses or tensions are produced by crossed opinions or thoughts conflicting in interest and division.

The correct interpretation or decision from matter generated out of inner activity. Weight constraints with relationship of war conflict in interest but unwire in meaning. So as the scales swing in the balance time runs out and so does life itself. But inevitably we constrain ourselves with limitations inflicting upon ourselves pain and psychological strains. The mentality therefore is not to think of self then but focus on other. Which is still second best to the love of God which gives an unsurpassable knowledge of the nature of individual identity and requirements and expectations of what must be done and said. To be concerned within is a negative derivative of the opposite interest to what is explained and the luck of the draw in the nest life.