Primarial Sanity

In the immediate course of events where people engage in daily activities of news worthy events, the media is entitled to have a field day. Demands and restraints placed on people's lives to perform and adjust to abnormal conditions and events such as might be detrimental to their health and wellbeing. In the hierarchy of medicine figures are produced to differentiate and discriminate against diseases and sickness f both mind and body. The soul being a spiritual entity suffers differently when consumed by an overdose of experience or knowledge it suffers anxiety and it's intellectual capacity is reduced to a malfunction. Primorial sanity is about rising above and beyond that level of vulnerability and deception which is created by an illusion of logical thoughts and reconstructed and rearranged to get on top of and over the crisis point of the given critical situation.

Medicine prescribed may ease and dull the process but the malfunction cannot easily return to the original thought. In overcoming this one must understand and override normal conditions to adjust to and oversee one's own conditions so as to enable healing and repair of mind I'll and temperate state. This facility once developed reproduces continual conditions for repair and enables a double bind to be controlled and assimilated for its own recognition in the world of primordial conditions and same mind.