Like all ideas and opinions there is always two sides to the coin, I think that logic and personality are indeed opposites. Logical ideas revolve around mathematics, science and computer functions where as personality is drawn along the side of heart soul and mind. It's like looking at people and things. People are self reproducing mammals that develop personality thought the trials and tribulations of everyday life. Things on the other hand are by-product of the human evolution being created by and designed for people to use. Things are tangible objects that are logically orientated by giving directions to their user to benefit from. To look at personality in depth you have to understand what makes a person tick. Theories on I'd and Ego are the psychological approach but surely the human personality goes further than that. Personality is a God given gift from the maker himself.
But this kind of gift is not handed our freely but is awarded to those who use and show merit in their words and actions. Therefore this show that logic shows no resemblance to personality in as far as they developed from different ends of the world primarily we should try and use logic and personality in the building of our character. So that we can have a stick in all the fires and one of my favourite ideas is to try and have your cake and eat it too. These are rough neck philosophies but trying to use principles like those help us have meaning to life which in turn helps us spend our day more productively and adds time to your life. Personality and logic tickles my fancy as both are sort of after prescriptions for making money.
But personal is not something to be used and abused and neither is logic they are creative resources that as I mentioned build character and character is requisite of the holy spirit that leads to salvation and eternal life. Concentrating on Godly ideas such as beauty, excellence and perfection is part of this course and logic and personality are still opposites but help to balance the soul in which character is formed. As a final note on this topic I recommend that you remember your name and seek to strive for identifying these thoughts and recognise them for what they are.