King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Personality, Personnel and Psychology

It takes a start start of with to form a personality that has zest, zeal, bubble and pizzazz, someone who oozes with enthusiasm and talks like a cup of fruit punch.These are people that make good personal and recruitment managers in large organisations and corporate leaders in the companies of good business. When interview staff for a position of employment the personnel officer looks for someone who has an acute mind and of sharp thought and thinks logically and clearly and can still show a sign of a smile and happy disposition that reflects in their contented heart and warm feel with deep love and desire to exceed.

This is the basis of a psychology degree to study and developed these attributes and put them into practice and be able to recognise them and harness and capitalise on them in other people. Understanding and knowing the heart, soul and mind of people is a gift which a person desires and has and employs with acknowledgement of experience and practical application of understanding in being able to recognise and display this ability and realistically us it in ever day business and personal life. The trick is being able to maintain and reflect a constant and continual knowledge of the creation of the art and use it to influence and teach other people to have a good personality themself not for the money but for their own mental happiness and well being.