King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

What To Do?

So many times we are controlled with different possibilities that require a decision. With limited resources and financial constraints we are restricted to act on our budget rather than our heat or gut feelings. The course of the outcome is inevitably decided on a combination of factors. Being what are the best options at any given point of time. These decisions compile and formulate to render the true outcome. One would like to make every second count for its maximum potential, yet we are governed and controlled by our restrictions and constraints.

With what resources we have we can manage and act appropriately to slowly piece together the puzzle that is continually unfolding before our eyes. What to do is then a matter of acting at the appropriate time based on the known facts and therefore making a decision at that time. I like the idea of just doing whatever it is I want, but there is a bigger picture that restrains me and leads me into waiting for a more appropriate answers. So we are passing through time trying to make it count as much possible and the final outcome is the inevitable result.