Conscious Thinking

Awareness is an important reality of living , the fact we are and can be aware of our thoughts is good enough reason to know that w have a soul and a working subconscious. The reality though is a matter of are we dwelling in the past the subconscious or are we conscious of the future and living in the present alone. Sub conscious and conscious have to be distinguished though the knowledge of the present reality is best left in tranquil and peaceful acknowledgement.

To know the difference is a matter of subconscious understanding that our conscious we are aware of knowledge of the subconscious is best left to be utilised when necessary and faulted only when the future reality is consciousness. To assess utilisation value and ability the conscious of present must be allowed to be assessed in relation to the state of time. The matter of conscious evolvement is only necessary when logical and thoroughly understood. Conscious thinking is an art. Subconscious is a memory best left alone to time.