What Makes The Brain Think

What makes the brain think. Argueably the most thought about question by pyschologists of all time. Rational behaviour is a key and this maintains sanity in out lives. First howvever we will need to look at the ABC of thought. Why think anything at all? What makes you pursue one subject or topic and for what reason? Why do we need to think in the first palce? The intellect of man differentiates from animals by its intrinsic ability to think logically and positively. Anmals do thing for themseleves but first and a survival and instinct level of behaviour. Humans are a little above the animals and a little below the angels in thought intelligence, Angels are Gods chosen helpers who think more God like than people. So we therefore have put oursleves in the picture of who we are as people and our set a standard for our own intelligence level as human beings. God is all knowing and onimpodent, omnipresent and omni----------. His inelligence far outstands and succeeds mans. But with now have  amore developed mind in which to think with through technological advancement and and enhanced ability to think rationally and logically, that is why man is the dominent force on the earth. God lives in heaven and just lets us go far enough before he puts His foot dwona nd exerts His spiritual authority over us to come back into line from devious behaviour, with a sharp warning sometimes or an intsantaneous act of power without warning to let us know that He is still there as the governeming boss. Should we be ingnorant to God? no! it is not healthy or wise to do so, but in everyway achknowledge Him as your Lord and saviour and you will go onto live a long time. I did not say that he will make you rich, that is through your own work to be done. But I did say that you will live longer if you put God first in your life. What makes your brain think? God!!! A good case for that to be so also, plenty of reason to suggest that God is in control of all things and we are just puppets on a string, performing His requirements and doing our duties for Him. Howvever there is also plenty of reason to think that we are on a higher intellectual plane which is enough for us to do whatever we want to within reason, that is where a lot of us come unstuck and fall apart at the seams, by thinking that we can do everything on our own back or merit. We need relationship and we need a trusting partner in the job, God has all the qualifications for that and also a spouse who you have come to love very much, through spending quality time with and enough reason to be able to trust their way of thought. More later in other pages on the same sort of thinking.