The Right Direction
The right direction is likely to be the new direction if we take in to account making right decisons and forever determining. The right direction is a path for peace and happiness first which sets the palce for everything else to fall into line. If we have a contentment of mind and we have found our niche in life to earn an income, we can then safely and happpily pursue that path of righteousness and travel down the road of the the long and enduring path of eternal life.This is the happy place to be in, chosing the right direction to take and making right and honest decisions for goal setting and then plan achievement. The purpose also then becomes a common one of mainstream thinking for the common goal of working together and united in the cause of the common good of and for peace for all.
The right dierection to take may well be the only one if you are committed to this direction, but many however fall off the path and travel the wrong road to death instead of peace and hapiness by right living. Correcting this worng patha nd road at an early stage is critical to the survival of the individual. It is no longer the survival of the fittest, but the ensuring that, we are all out to help those who have made the poor decisions of travelling the wrong road. If we are doing the right thing by helping others we prosper and gain in the happiness department by sharing the love of right thinking around to learn to love and cherish others for the pursual of peace and happiness in their lives and then also henceforth and so on in our own lives for the continual right thinking and the right path of decision making and direction taking. Love, peace, joy, kindness and goodness are all fruits that we need to pursure for the eternal happiness of all.
We should no longer walk a self destructive path once we have seen the light and therefore continue in this new and right direction of peace and happiness for all. The consequences of wrong or bad decision making are or can be horrendous, but with early retrival of the wrong doers thinking, for a correct and right path that can once again be made and started in order to further and future continue in the right direction forever. This is the right and required path and desired result of the work we are doing to help and assist others see the light of the right path of the correct direction in life for making choices. The right path could be the write path which is picked up and recognised by experience and endurement that they to who have learnt right decision making can then inturn lead and guide and instruct others in the path of right decsion making for the right and critical path of success.