Don't Look Behind
Don't look behind, but keep looking ahead. The past is gone and the future is on the way and the present is definitely now here. The trouble is that we all get caught in the past trap, living in memories of days gone by and and dwelling on what has been, what we did wrong and what we should have done right. The present is now really here and let us live in the present with the future our goal at all times. Surely we can all leave the past behind, but we love to remember those better times of days gone by where we were happy and working progressively to get ahead, but far too often we were caught up in what we were doing or just enjoying the moment of all we had and wanted to keep and hang onto to cherish.
They say, don't look back but keep your eyes fixed on the goal ahead and all that the future holds and has waiting for you. Planning is the esseence of good mangement and setting goals and objectives only helps in attaining desired goals for future enjoyment. The thing is that when we look back we are dwelling on the past and wishing that we had never left what we had behind, the good times seem to come and go so quickly and the more we try to saviour the moent the more we fall into the past trap of fogeting what we are doing now and what we want to do in the future. The past trap of turning back, digging uip those cherished memories that we all like to keep is just all too much trouble of days gone by. It is not like a history lesson when we remember the facts of story telling of great chanacters of the past that have gone down in history to live in heaven forever that we can look to and admire their great accomplisments.
They have set the way for us here in the future generations and we can use their enginuity and leadership to help us learn and understand our own position today, but really we must leave the past behind and move intot he future of modern day living and all that they created is still left for us to finish and accomplish in another coming generation. Remeber that we can acclomplish so much more if we will only look forward. I still think to finanalize this page of the song. Memories From The Corner Of My Mind, Misty Water Coloured Memories Of The Way We Were. Let us wait for the song to come on the radio in the future because our past is gone and the present is here yet once again to take hold of and look into the future and greatfully grasp all the desired things that lay there waiting for us to behold.