Tomorrow Never Comes
Well after all tomorrow never comes, we are always living in the present. Even when tomorrow comes it has become the new present and we must take that on board and draw from the past to live in the present as if tomorrow will never actually eventuate or transpire at all. If we live right and plan through the day then we are putting oursleves in the picture and perspective of how to live for each and every day as an individual requirement. The day before today was yesterday and we can't live in the past either, we must put oursleves in the picture and persepective of how to live in the present. We have to learn to live for the moment and ennjoy every second as it comes and while it lasts in that the fact is that each second is too important to lose even when we are always and continually losing the second, each second all the time. Some say when tomorrow comes I will do this and that and something always comes up that they never get around to doing what they actually wanted to do.
It has also been said, fail to plan and then you fail to succeed. Today I am saying is that today is all you really have at any one time, unless you can time warp into the future or live tomorrow, today you are imagining the whole thing. Take each moment as it arises and live each second and it was your last. this is the ultimate high and pinacle of life. It is no good to have all the time in the world and throw it all away with a silly accident that can cost you your life if you are not careful, we are constantly making decisions and taking actions that affect our lives by the consequences of what we are doing all the time for each and every second of the day. Living in the past is another falicy of having memories that are meant to last, sure you will get recollections of things that you have done throughout the day but let them go and they will return at another time, it is not for us to decide that and when we should be cashing in on our treasures in heaven.
From another time and place to the realness of the hear and now is the palce to be, the present and that is all there really ever is. Just as I have moved on in this 30 minute dictation of thoughts and words in ideas, so has the world passed me by in many otherb palces that I was not conscious of though I still feel that I am doing something worth while with my time here and now in the very real present. Well it is to be anyway as I type and write down these thoughts in the present right here and now. We have to be aware, astute and alert all the time I guess except when we are sleeping but you need a safe palce to do that and God is always there in an emergency. You have to be as cunning as a fox, as shrewd as a serpent as strong as a lion, as fast as a cheetah, as wise as an owl or as smart as a hyenea who laughs all the way to the bank. Well that is how you have got to live your life for the second.
Take time and think it over maybe you will be alive in five hundred years but for me it is live for today and let tomorrow take care of itself.