King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Actual Results

Attaining actual results is what counts and are all that really matters in the overall picture and scheme of things. When we are doing productive tasks and accoplishing things for a better world then we are attaining actual results. This is done by showing a concerted effort and taking a solid and right direction in our work to get through the day, to achieve actual results by the end of it. Actual results are the fruuit or all our efforts and the example of what can be done with a right mind and positive objectives being set. Like the pride that comes from finishing writing a book and the achievement of the accomplisment of fullfilling the goal to write the book, so is the completion the actual result of that accomplisment.

Finishing a prized work or contributing back to society that has blessed you over the years and finding the redefinition of the change in reality through working accomplishments is the actual result of hard work and can be measured in the gift of reaching the of achievenment that task through dedicated committment and perserverance. It has indeed something to be proud of, in that the fruition of the fullfillment of the job was accomplished and fullfilled.The desired time of achieving the actual results of accomplishment is irrelevant, however the sooner the task is fullfilled the sooner you can get on with the next job. The task or job can not be put at jeopardy by time restraints or the need to rush to finish which can mean sloppy workmanship or a second rate job being finished.

Once again we must persist and perservere in all tasks and objectives in order to meet the desired result of fullfilled accopmplisments to aquire the desired actual results of finishing the work. Money is only the means that justifies the end and is not the product of the work, though it can be used to measure quality and final actual results as an incentive, it is only a qualitaive value given for the work. Once we finalize the work or job we have an end to the aim, goal and plan and that is what is really the actual results of the effort. So now we have the aquired actual results of this effort.