Onward and upward is the once corrected path of right thing and direction taking to continue in that direction forever. Onward and upward, higher and higher in our thinking, the sky is the limit and some are even prepared to go above and beyond that. To shrink back into wrong thinking is not only a backward step but adverse to the onward and upward style of right thinking. In the ever present reality of the world in which we live in it is important and imperative to always trya nd strice for the onward and upward way or style of thinking, never seetling for second best or accepting the choice below what is best for our lives and right way of thinking.
Heaven holds the key to onward and upward thinking and it is this desire and goal should we choose to accept is our heavenly calling of doing and saying the right things. In fact we can even go further than that, to what is paradise which means destroying all the hellish thoughts and ways of thinking to lead and head us into this world of paradise thinking and thoughts. Where peace is eternal and everlasting, where heaven is real everyday as much as hellis cast out and our world is a paradise heaven everyday. Earth traps and niceties are choices we are making all the time and this is the reality of living. We must learn to become content with what we have uintil we are ready to take the next step into what is considered as Gods right calling.
The treasures of heaven and the material psosessions of earth or not diametrically opposed altogether, but go hand in hand with right thinking and right decision making in what is the logical steps of the path of if we pursue the path of pacing ourselves and continueing in the right direction of a bit at a time, day by day working for a bit more and then when you have too much or enough, giving some away to others who need it and find it hard to find the right path of the road to correct thinking. Greed is never going to win and we need to be aware of giving to others at nearly all times. For the reality is that all we own belongs to someone else sometime down the track anyway, one way or another, at the right time and the right place we will pay others for what we want and what we have with what we have got. Seeing the need to give to others is also a priority for right thinking and the new right decision making for the purpose of kingdom harmony.
Peace and plenty for all to be shared around and cherished by all who accept to make the right choices.Think clear and concise by being in the place to make right decisons of the onward and upward.