King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

God Is Always Right

God is always right and for most of us, it is just a matter of coming to terms with that very idea and accepting that we can't all do it on our own. That we must learn too trust and accept that there is a higher power and calling on our lives and that is the higher power of God. God is always right and the sooner we learn to accept that the quicker we will advance in this world. The more certain we will be of fullfilling our own accomplisments in this world and the more better off we will be with accepting those other things around us that we cannot change, but must learn to accept in our own eyes as well as other peoples eyes and ultimately the eyes of God.

If God left us to our own devices all the time, how miserable a people we all would be going our own self centered ways and living our own greedy and self dependant lives. God is always right and understanding that is the first step to stop going in the wrong direction. It is the correct step to take next when learn to hear that still quite voice inside us of God reassuring us that we are doing the right thing and staying on track for our higher calling in life. The sooner we learn to seek God and His righteousmness the sooner we start to live real and worthwhile lives, once again to our higher calling as human beings and individuals.

If God was wrong and we were right, then we would be left to our own devises of stupidity and independance, doing what we like by ourselves all the time for our own personal self gain and reflection. However the reflection would be self defeteing and deflating as we could never live up to our own expectations of ourselves untill we can accept that Gods expections of us are perfectly designed and enhanced for our ultimate position in life, that is of a person reflecting on God rather than ourselves. Realizing this very reality is our highest calling in life, in that if God is right all the time and we foloow all we can do is improve our right situalion and relationship with God all the time if we learn to only trust God and all His provision of righteousness.

We accept the grace, we do the work yes, but we allow God to lead and orchestrate the eternal environment and enhance our lives by a higher quality of living, in simple ways like breathing cleaner air, drinking fresher water and consuming higher grades and qualities of foods as well as clean living environments and clothes. These simple steps are what it takes to live more moral and higher lives. Purification of ethics and cleansing our soles to reach the highest calling in life and that is the righteousness of God, which we all one day if we follow, we will do in heaven. God Bless and aim upward.