King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Gradual Improvement

Creating a gradual improvement is often a difficult and arduos task, however nevertheless it is a mandetory requiring for modern advancement and day to day living. There is absolutely no point in taking a backward step and accepting reality is only the more reason to move on with a new idea or concept. We can't become complacent and sit back on our hands and say that the job is done, I will let it rest at that. But the need to ever press on and rise to the occasion or forward movement and the ever arising need to move onward and upward. These are all the basic fundamentals or making a gradual improvement, creating new goals and objectives, plans and fullfilling dreams and aiming to meet God given expectations and the higher calling that we as people are called to be.

Human beings just can't sit back and let the world pass them by, but must ever press on and aim for the higher calling and objective that God has given us and indeed set before us to achieve. A gradual improvement can just be being more tidy and clean, more organised and thorough in doing the jobs and work waround the house. It can also be attaining higher education and fullfilling the calling of a higher level of occupation through improving skills and abilities in order to progress in the work world and company heirarchy. Gradual improvement can be a weight issue for losing excess kilos when you are obesse. Or puttung on some bulk mass and muscle at the gym for those who patiently and persistantly work out to attain a better physique and body shape.

Self improvement can aslo be the gradual advancement in your financial position, living environment, type and class of house and area. Infact there are so many ways that we all each and individually can improve our lives for the betterment of all others around us. Gradual improvement is about advancing our world and our general living standards in each and every aspect of all us. It is about aiming for the top and slowly moving in that direction to attain the upmost position in society and what that means through contribution and work efforts to improve living environments. More to as we all pitch in together we are globally attasining the fullfillment of our God given gifts and dreams to the highest calling we possibly can as man and people, family commitments and manging for longetivity is only just another intricit part and major requirement for us all. Gradual improvement is working towrards the common goal of what is best for all mankind.

It is not accepting second best but always aiming upward and onward, higher forever.