King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

What Have You Got To Lose

We have all heard the saying What Have You Got To Lose, Have a Go You Mug, You Will Never Accomplish Anything If You Don't try. Come On Assuie Come On. All these catchy cleches just put us in the mood to do something. So what have you got to lose, if there is nothing ventured there is nothing gained. This is a bit like a motivation lesson for getting up and getting going. The trouble is once again that we all become complacent, timid and shy if we don't do anything. The thing is that we have got to initiate something, change oursevles into a better person, if we do nothing we will get absolutely nowhere. Though if we try and do something the whole thing becomes so much more rewarding.

Go for a walk in the park, build something, make something, earn money, all of these things help us to come out of our shells, they encourage us to become a better person. So what have you got to lose, if you have still not tried to do anything new yet, then have a go. You will be so much more happier doing something than doing nothing at all. If all the explorers had sat on there hands and had not tried to find, lead, discover and search for a better place to live, they would have died in their tracks doing so for nothing and got nowhere but stayed at home all their life without seeiing the big picture of a whole new world, we have them to thank for what we have got.

They all said what have we got to lose and started out to find a new land or kingdom. Never think that you are good for nothing and can't do anythink. Everyone has a gift of doing something and by saying to yourself What have you got to lose, you are challenging yourself to perform to a new and yet undiscovered level of amazement. You have just simply got to try to dfo something, to make worthwhile for living. Life is far too short to sit back on your hands all the time and let other people do everything for you. We all have something to contribute and we each and everyone one of us need to find out what that niche is and have a go. They say if you can't be good be careful, but being too timid is tragic and we all simply must try to do something. Have a go, What Have You Got To Lose?