King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Allowed to Be Myself

Through all the struggle toil and confusion we found ourselves in the mist of disorientation and disorder, trying to understand who we are and maintain and attain a personal identity there is a deed for deep reflexion and self analysis of the complexities of our souls and minds. The world offers many things and these distract from the basic essentials of life such as food shelter and a loving relationship. Being allowed to be by myself is a daily self discipline and denial that builds and institute character and increases the ability to understand and know who I am. Distinguishing the difference between me and someone else is a constant battle and continual reflective perspective of where I din in amongst the rest of my friends and associates and other people of the world.

The conflict arises when we try to take on too much intoxicate our minds with the distractions and niceties available to be entertained. I am important and I have self-worth and by accepting this and appreciating the full extent of my gifts and privileges is a fundamental essential of well being and being a confident lifestyle. Figuring in the contest of society and the position I am in relationship to who and what everyone else is and how I can positively contribute to the enhancement and advancement of the world even in my esteem and personal victory over the otherwise inferiorities offered and rejected as we all objectively aim to fulfil our full destinies.