Teaching Thinking
The brain is a highly organised technical organ that needs constant food stimulation and active thought. Thinking is an art in that we learn, to associate one thing with another by its likeness or kind. Such theory therefore supports the idea that if I use my brain consciously and effectively it will facilitate greater understanding and awareness. So it appears therefore to become a matter of word association and integration which links to build and formulate the mind into a logic thinking process that continues to redevelop and restructure till there is enough matter to sell off as an idea or retain for peace and tranquillity in form of retention of understanding the relationship between words one must consider the idea of interrelationship.
By connecting like words together logical flowing meaning, organisation and continuity can be streamed to enable the consciousness of thought which evolves and develops to quality of life. This logic pattern association and formulation lead to develop the highly structured and integrated intricate organisation. Teaching thinking is not a thing that can be learnt in a hurry but developed and matured in time. So it is rather in learning that we are actually taught which would mean that teaching thinking is just a matter of sharing knowledge but and learning is the real key to the ideal.