Law As Truth
I believe we need to identify the need for law as truth. In order to consider this topic one needs to understand judgement. That the decision between right and wrong and the basis for swaying better or from one idea to the other. There is considerable documentation on this subject both biblically and the political constitution i.e. Government Law. The idea is to draw an analogy between the two. There is a couple of reasons for wanting to do this.
1. Harmony and Unity of The Law.
2. The Balance of Historical and Future plans for the benefit of mankind.
The political law is basically derived from the Ten Commandments there is still need for spiritual law which can be found in different contexts but that which must be extracted from consensus doctrine and accepted on its own merit. As the law is enforced by state and federal police debts. And governed by ministers and judges, so too is the mind subject to spiritual law. And the body is subject to the world. The mind is recognised by heavenly plans. Combining the law to facilitate unification of mind and body, the soul is formed that which is judged by the spirit of Christ if the holy ghost.
This is true judgement but must remain within the law is based on fact but the truth is governed by knowledge.Therefore to prove a fact is enforcement of law based on the knowledge of the truth/ the need for this arises in court and jury situations where judges preside in their hierarchal level contacting the wisdom and knowledge to impact equals and sentences based on the evidence presented and depicted as to make the decision of right or wrong and pass judgement is a calculation of documentation submitted as evidence. Knowing the truth is for the judge to see through his own eyes recreated in the form of r creation of evidence and other material.
Unfortunately the court system is fallible because it's humanly controlled. But however through the determination and persistence of brilliant scholars judging can be accurately and effectively carried out. Though the mind of Christ which is not readable and calculable in terms of rightly based principles such as honesty loyalty and common courtesy which all relate to conscience and should be dealt on in fairness and true meaning. God judges independently of this system and makes up for any grievances or inaccuracy in the world structure.Achieved so we all must concentrate on our plan and push through to new horizons and new ideas that lie before us.
Much has already happened and much already been achieved. So it is then that through our experience so far that we seize the opportunity to rise above our pitfalls and rejuvenate the lost to complete this ideals cause of Utopia we all desire and live for. I accept the challenge of success like a rocket which will reach out of space so then I encourage you to take hold of the goal and live each and every day like there is something worthwhile to achieve. To be philosophic I might suggest that God has a perfect plan for everyone and that through the conscience of dedicated people things will be right for the future and his plan will be fulfilled. So then those that will listen take up this goal and follow for their comes a day when time shall end and when life as we know it has changed.