King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

The New and Old Self

The self in all its extremes is the most sophisticated of all the entities. Everything in this world is structured around the self. In the event of death does it really matter what happens to the self. We are told the soul lives on but what about the self does it just dematerialise. If the soul goes to heaven does the self go to hell. If self is a sin then there is no point in having a soul. Instead it is better to now look at the old and new self. The old self is that nature of the person who is set in there evil ways, while the new self is one who has a right relationship with God. But how can it be to be so simple as to have an inter-dependency on a spiritual being.

The self characteristically is governed by desire and ambition but this new righteous state is one that reflects perfection in all ways. Whilst we seek and thirst for knowledge and information this burning passion of ours is overshadowing by the attainment of physical wealth and material possessions. So I see within me as the Apostle Paul put it this struggle with sin within. I want to prosper and succeed but I die for that heavenly peace that only Christ can provide. So we get rid of the old self and are changed to a brand new person, someone who lives to glorify the creator.

The old self wants to creep back in from time to time but the new self is happier and more vibrant because of its re-established zeal for life. I die to the old self and the new self takes over to live in a desired state of mind, in the righteousness of God.

The Pyschology Of Self

Understanding the pyschology of self, is a cognitive recognition behavioural, where by in analysing your own behaviour, you associate familiar personality triats that reflect your desired or true characteristics. Self identity is very important with the pyschology of self as in order to understand your own anatomy you must comprehend the attitude of your behaviour and how to reflect and control your thoughts with other people. Perfection is a very hard goal or aim for the individuals self, in that they are constantly trying to sell themselves for positive gain and maintain a right minded outlook at the same time. This is very difficult in selling and usually we have to stop, reassess ourselves and adjust to advance further to continue in the sales fiield. The anatomy of self requires distinct beaviuoral traits of individual pyschological assessment and continual characteristic adjustment. This ongoing updating of our own resources is a constant battle for the mind to achieve and succeed in. The brain is a normal certainty for all of us, but it is how we use and apply this resource for establishing our own best personal gain. The pyschology of self is very important in society and it is this reflection of ourselves against other members of our community or work force that depict our actual representation of our business selves and that determines how we relate with other people and our own self identities picture in the world of society that we individually live in. Functioning normally is highly important and this involves conforming to societies normal patterns or behaviour. Understanding the right and truly established recognised norms of behaviour is the key to personality developement and charcteristic advancement. Society naturally recognises high achievers and the heart of the psychological self is to perform highly in this well established area of arts, literature and stage. To truly understand out own personality developement we must be able to self analyse ourselves correctly and this is best done by commiunication with others to establish our real life picture in reflective thoughts. Finally the picture starts to become clearer on how and in what way we need to adjust to suit our situation and the pyschological self must be able to recognise the signs of the desired qualities or the aquired traits that will depict our attained personality characteristics ability to relate and identify with our own real, true selves. So therefore the pyschological self is the identity of our own true and real selves in the socitetal broad and reflected picture of our own world.