King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Understanding The Mind

Many times we seek to know our mind actually works. We understand very little about it though we believe and think that is there to serve us in some sort of fashion. Concept orientation or idea generation is a facet of the mind it's untrue ability to comprehend and fathom deep and dark thoughts and put them into some form of logical content. The amazing fact about the mind is that it has capabilities that appear and conform in a remarkable way. It has no personal identification by processes an outstanding amount of thoughts systems that entertain. And revolutionise standard thinking patterns.

The mind, brilliant in itself is a bubble like overview of the brain which seeks and goes on to find higher standards of survival and living conditions. Simple ideological formations are developed and created it to inform and reproduce new and environmentally friendly realities characteristics of the mind but revolve and surround themselves in a heavenly sense of ownership and a consciousness of what belongs to me or what I own is mine., and it is this that answers the unquestionable doubt that mind is supreme.