King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Worthwhile Notation

In a priority centred yet disorganised business congestion there are some points which stand out and need to be addressed and some which don't. There is so much to read and topics are so broad and wide that there is simply not enough time to cover them all. Let alone specialise on any one subject to totally understand it. There are exceptions to the rule but generally we need to be able to cover all applicable and relevant ideas to ourselves in order to beneficially gain by the investment of our time. It appears that many times I write about subjects and topics that just come into my head.

Whilst I have read extensively my concentration on one particular matter is diverted due to boredom and lack of interest., some people specialise on one particular subject and enjoy it and it works well for them. I however see many different needs that require attention and I feel as though I must address them accordingly . worthwhile rotation then becomes a matter of relevancy to a majority of people's needs. Prioritising reading and writing requirements is both beneficial and wise. As positive results are more likely to evolve and eventuate. There we must consider our notating to be worthwhile and aim to cover to most relevant points.