King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Interpersonalizing University

The individualism of an institution is not only important to the structure but to its people. The uniqueness of the characteristics that are built of within the core must be reflected and recognised as idiosyncratic. Interpersonalising Universities becomes a manifestation of the total universal humanism that evolved and generates form us all. Whether scholar, invalid, child or adult. The foundation of the central thought construction likes in the infiltration of physical analysis.

The real being becoming indisposed in a matter of cognitive reproductivity. This identity seeking or individual evolvement is a creation of what man was and intends to be. What he can become is only limited to the willingness of his heart and his ability to think and reason. So the conceptual identification is in the analysis of his present awareness. His logical connection with himself. His soul and being becoming one with God. Interpersonalising University is a challenge to preserve the refreshing clarity of its uniqueness. It's ability to change with life cycles and weather movements to reach a state of self actualisation at peace with self and God.