King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Passionate Experience

The world is full of things that take our interest and entice us to create a greater expectation of what we can be. To evolve to a higher position we deep to develop passion and desire to achieve and accomplish goals that we set ourselves to attain. The challenge is to go beyond the normal and reasonable expectations to experience something in life that you can really find depth and meaningfulness in like a burning fire in the heart that can't be quenched. The struggle an problem to achieve this desire is found in overcoming the burden of laziness and physical limitations. Whilst one retains and maintains his facilities and abilities he reaches ever upward and higher to a spiritual plane and metaphysical level.

This approach is a manifestation of disciplines study and research to override and sustain the maximum level of pain and diversity of thought in the realms of heaven and hell. These worlds are not the end in themselves but a journey and progression and passionate experience is a reproduction of the history of thought and guide and direction as to how one can know and achieve a new and meaningful understanding of a relationship with a new concept of belief and acquiring the ability to facilitate and hold onto the known and unknown reality of learning this path of choice is the place for passionate experience.