King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Male And Female

In the order of creation male and female were created for the mutual benefit and satisfaction of each other and to for the main purpose,to procreate and reproduce the species. Human beings are indeed unique creatures and the fact that there is individual differences between both male and female is a complementation of unification between the two and so that they both can perform their individual tasks to manage families and raise children in community and society. It is indeed a gift from above that they might share the intimate experience of heaven in their relationship. Of course it is not all smooth sailing and when the times get tough there is always intermediatry councilling to help them reestablish back their way in life. Of cource once again that may not always work out but with Gods help it will.

There is a need for both male and female to remain single or separated from time to time, which can be looked upon as a quite selfish form of lifestyle. Though that is not Gods ideal world as the two with their different gifts should normally work together toward complementing and satisfying the other person in times of need and the ongoing requirement for safety and security in day to day living. The fact that children need more than anything else a mother and father in the form of parents that can look after their children to teach them the rules of life and independent living as they reach maturity and go on to perform the tasks of what a parental role of their own requires. Being a bit stick and helping siblings abide by the rules is not wrong but the rightful way to encourage and lead for longtivity.

Rules also play a part in quality of life in relation to hygene apsects and cleanliness. The beauty of relationship is that it is only conditional between the two parties and marriage should not normally be made a communal affair except in weddings and family celebrations. Church is another good example on how to live as a community and as the family and God are both sacred there is a natural balance and harmony between the two. The basic principles of courtesy and manners and still a requirement in relationships and that the man should pay for the woman and do all the little niceties to make her feel important. Work between the two is a matter of using each of their specific gifts to lead together to make the family work and perform the function of demonstrating life skills and abilities for teaching and learning from each of the male and female combined remembering that children have an important distiction as boys and girls as well in that they are both male and female and should learn their own roles for adulthood from youthhood.

So there we have it, male and female are different and it is extremely inportant to recognise their individual differences for the working of the relationship in the overall scheme of things for society. That will do for this but you could go on for hours just on the importance of these roles and signifigance in differences.