Still being always right is now a natural order, but there is a need for common courtesy in differences of relationship to become and remain mutually compatable. Not only to we have our male and female differences but also individual characteristics in performing tasks of orientated work ethics that systematically harmonise and satisfy relationships from community and also family and church situations in those positions. Writing down some of the ways of peforming life style tasks helps us understand and anylise the criteria for living life the right way and also how we demonstrate our position of expertise to others. By maintaining a right position in life as much as possible we can be happy, except when health or safety is at stake and the welfare of our fellow human beings, which must be kept at the heart and mainstay of our living requirements always as well. Rightness is a state of well being and not a matter of celebrating superiority. In fact the more we domonstarate control tactics the more we stray from the true, right and correct.
Life is about freedom after all and the cost and price of things only plays a part in our societal postion as to how much we tend to greed and aim selfishly at different prospects in life that corrupt. Time being the coherant factor in living as far as to say it goes that as long as you have time you have life. Money is basically immaterial and transient and really just a means to pay the bills and to enjoy a few niceties and extras in life. Some measure their success by how much money they have got in the bank or how big their houses are but really it is a matter of how well you get on with people as most people can't be bought for a price and are happy with making a daily living out of their work and their jobs to live and survive. Our first priority should be food and water with a roof over our head and the extremes that they can be taken to is sometimes to the greedy indulgence and to the disunification of other peoples living needs and requirements.
We should always hope to share and celebrate life for what it is and all it is worth and that is the unique and surpreme gift and sanctity, of the preciousness of living which we can all take for granted sometimes when we become too self centred. We need to see clearly our paths and directions for helping others and making life more livable in order for us to enjoy some of the travels and luxuries that are apart of our culture but can lead and destroy us to destruction. Pacing ourselves and living to the daily requirements and necessities of survial are all to important to ignore and we must dig deep to help preserve these values and conserve our priveledges and finitie resources as human beings. While life moves forward economically and evolves in modernization, we must try and keep up in order not to be left behind, but at the same time hold onto our traditions and conservations of humanity and what and ecological environement of nature holds for us as longetivity of the species.
To be still be always right at the end of it all is and can be too idealistic to be real and too idosomatic to be personal, but nevertheless the holding of our standards and priorities too important to miss and throw to the sublime.