King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Clever Thinking

Clever thinking, once again I have no real clue and understanding, I should ask Trever and he will tell me what he knows. If I was as clever as trever there would be good weather and whether leather was as light as a feather. I just sit back and wait for answers from God, in full expectation that He will tell me what it is, I really don't know what it is right now exactlly. Leverage when you are trying to bugde a fallen tree to move it off the road and you ring up on your mobile for a tree lopper who might have a toe truck he can use. Is that being clever, what is being clever realy all about?A tyre lever to change your bicycles flat tube, at elast you think to carry one when you go out riding.It is about using your head right instead of your heart.

Love and feelings come from the heart, but new ideas, rationality and making money come from the head. The better or sooner you can use your brain to develope things to help people, the sooner they will pay you enough money to be happy with for your own personal expectations of more things, bigger bank accounts or just your own personal ego trip with saying you have enough money. Is that right?

I look around to many different ways of being clever or trying to use my brain for thinking clever things, it is not easy and often becomes frustrating trying to outsmart and outdevelope people in ideaological thinking to beat others in order to be clever, look clever or for people to think you are clever. Not exactly right to me, what I think is in being clever, is using wisdom and discretion in your daily thinking and task performace for job undertaking. Clever thinking is right minded thinking in that by following the laws of the land and what reasons that work for others, you will live a long time, stay out of jail and have more money by not paying infringement fines. Good sense to me and to you to I suspect, but still we feel this deeper need to be clever, to drive the latest flashy car, living the biggest houses on the water and have personel designer self images to show off to every body else and flatter ourselves with for moments of gratification and glory. Not clever huh? I don't know what is, every one else thinks something along those lines, I just can't wage war into that battle and compete with everybody else on the same scale.

Visions of grandeour don't do much for me, to be floundering in and out of my head in indulgent living. If I ate at the local Chinese Restaurant every day I would look like a two hundred pound dumpling and even if I had the money to do it I would not do it. I don't know how many restaurants are out there begging for my patronage and I am simply not rich or smart enough to supply all there needs and I don't need a 50 inch wasteline either. Being healthier is being wealthier in your mind, body and soul and that is being clever to me. I still need to lose a few pounds but I am constantly thinking about how to do that, rather than how many more pounds I can put on. More exercise, healthier lifestyle and healthier food is being clever, not overindulging on anything that you can get your hands on. Being clever, lets face it, is best left for other people to deal with and experience I think.