King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Reading And Writing

Reading and writing are skills thatw e develope and learn, but still you have to know how. To be a successful writer the main ingredients is God. When I first started out wanting to be a writer, I prayed to God that he would help me and show me. In fact God asked me what I wanted to do with my life when I was very young. I said to be successful and as I was just starting out in school, that meant reading and writing. I deviated a bit and went my own way thinking that I could make it by myself selling things in shops and I fact I did make it to the top at a very young age. Then when I cracked it was God telling me again that he wanted me to go back to my first love of writing. God had won, I could not do it my own way in shops for the rest of my life. Which of cource meant relearning and that was a lot of reading again so that I knew what I was talking about and thinking about in my mind to put down in logical words in writing. Criteria and content are important, but to me the main ingredience for writing is continuity, simply you have to make sense out of your words and put them in such a way that it makes interesting reading.

Sure you are working for your self, but you have to understand how the reader will read and some perspective on what the reader requires for there own well being and understanding of the information. So also to you need good subject matter which can be as diverse as the universe itself and so concentrated that you get a headache trying to gather and fathom its meaning. Nevertheless what we write makes for good reading or people won't even bother to read you at all. You need to be careful with your words and organise them and structure your thoughts, so that it is enjoyable and makes consistent sense out of what you are writing, to the writer and as well as the reader, which are both equally important. I could go on and on about the ttireless efforts I made to to try and make it in the writing world, but suffice to say that I have now written 30 books published in my name and I get about 300 on average, pages of my work read each week. It is a long hard road to the top in any professional field and I still have a long way to go till I can say that I have made it. Which would only encourage you to sit back on your hands and say enough, but a successful writer will write until he or she dies. It is simply having some way to be productive with your time, the money is only an incentive and any extra that you earn must be viewed as a bonus.

I can make more money out of being a taxi driver, but writing gives you a more feeling of accomplishment and purpose when you can look back on your work and see what you have achieved and in some cases, how you have helped people to get out from their stuck in the ruts and try and do something positive for themself, even to becoming a writer themselves. Still it is important to grasp life in all its fullness and to get out into the great outdoors and explore the world. My own native surroundings and also the greater places beyond the closed writers doors. All this makes for good writing material and the further we explore and try to explain the world, the better grasp we have for ourselves in our own understanding of life and really what it is all about. It is good to question things and ask for answers, all this helps explain why we are here in the first place and why we go on doing the things which about we go on doing. There is reason and logic for nearly everything and taking on board what we do not understand to learn and try to explain it in the written form helps us unlock the door to the treasures of the great unknown and enter into the vast unknown world of the unexpalined universe. Have a go at it yourselves and try to be passionate about it in your reading and writing. More later and see you on the next page.