King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Grace and Mercy

Grace and mercy are two Godly traits that help us out of difficult situations, grace when we do the wrong thing to help us get back on track and mercy when we have done the wrong thing to help us see the light of day and clear the path to the end of the tunnel. Grace and mercy are like love and compassion, grace overbounds with joy and mercy is the keys to the kingdom of God. Godknows that we can't do it all on our own, he cares and suffers when we are hurting and feels it Himself when we are lost and on the road to destruction. He is just up there in heaven waiting not only to call us home, but to lead us out of danger to a place of safety and protection.

When we have been bad and done the wrong thing and got into trouble, God is our healer and our protector or provider to help us get back on our feet. Showing us His grace and His mercy and leading us to be with Him where we are out of harms way. His kindness and goodness are never ending and His grace and his mercy are ever abounding in the peace and joy of a fulfilling spirit. Don't take god for granted, but let His love flow into your life and shine through you to also be a blessing to other people. Don't let the sun go down on something that you have done wrong without asking Gods forgiveness. He is just waiting to help and give you His grace and show you His mercy. There are many situations that we simply get stuck in and don't know how to deal with. When they arise or occur we should seeks Gods advice first and allow Him to minister and work in our lives to help us gat back to that right standing and relationship with Him, He does this through His grace and mercy. No good getting yourself all in a knot and tied up in bad behaviour or misconduct, try doing the right thing first go and then you wot need His grage and mercy.

But we all find ourslef in difficult situations sometimes and then it is just inevitable that we need to find a way out and that is always best done through God. He is just there waiting to help you through a minister at church, a social worker or a loving and kind person on the street who sees that you have got into some kind of difficulty. They are God's grace and mercy in action, as if we never know where they some from or when they will appear, but they are there at just the right time when we do through Gods eyes that see everywhere. Try God, you will never be dissapointed, especially after you get to know Him, Jesus is your loving saviour and He cares for you and offers His love and grace and mercy, while when we were yet sinners, He died on the cross. You can't get more grace and mercy in action than love like that.