King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Its Good To Ask

Its good to ask and be polite, instead of being rude and nasty and just pigging into everything without thought for anyone else. We should always consider the consequences of how things affect other people, what our actions to to incurr blame and how we affect other people by what we do and say. By asking we are showing care and consideration for other peoples needs, we are showing them that we are not self expectant and that there is a purpose and a reason in our taking. May I have a cup of tea please? Is one question you might use, putting it in a polite and friendly manner. Jesus said ask that you may receive, not take, take, take anything you can get your hands on. Show consideration and care for other peoples needs and requirements and don't demand things simply to make your own self happy but in all ways achknowledge God and he will supply your every need. Jesus also said, Have you not asked that your needs maybe met and fullfiilled.

Ask in good faith and use the name of Jesus as often as you like but ask according to Gods will. He is just waiting there in heaven to give you everything you need. He may not give you everything you want because he knows what is best for you and he has a plan to prosper you and not harm you. We also need to look at our motives for getting, not for selfish gain but for the good of others and for the community. The world is desperately crying out for Jesus and we need to be silent sometimes and listen to who needs help before we ask expectantly for everything for oursleves. Ask in good faith that you may recieve but ask in Jesus name in order for you to recieve what you really need and not what you selfishly want. There is so many problems in the world, people dieing from malnutrition, disease, suffering poverty and lack of resources, there is a great need for education and there is a great need for food in third world places.

We are called to be good stewards of the word and help those in need before ourselves, that by serving, we are helping ourselves in the process as well. It is good to ask,How can I help somebody else? Not!!!Why is that there like that? When we know it needs fixing ourselves and we should be fixing it oursleves. It is good to ask, but we also need things in their right and true perspective, so that we can see things in the light of truth and not the deception of evil and selfish desires. If God knows you need a new car, you will get one, but it maybe a Holden and not a Lamborgini first. God knows that you need a place to live and it may be a shelter for the night on the way to your own place in the suburbs and not around Sydney harbour first. There are poeple crying out for daily food before they have any of there other needs met, think how lucky you are in all that you have before you selfishly and greedily ask for your self. It is good to ask that you may have, but wait on God in His good time for him to reward you with what you need.