King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Why Always More

Why always more? What if you were to accept less for a change? the thing is with life that you need more all the time, like our desire and hunger for money, we seem to want money more, more and more. Wanting is one thing with money, but money has to be worked for to be deserved and earned properly. Why work, for more, more, more, more of what you want and what you desire to buy for yourself to make yourself happy with more, more and more material possessions. You need more food all the time, but it is helpful to know when you have had enough and let someone else have something to eat to. Gluttony leads to greed, greed crime and crime a jail sentence.

Why always more you know, but we also have to know when we have had enough or have enough of what we require. Like giving at church we give out of our abundance, we pay for others to have some to, for those who are not in a position to help themselves. As ministers must be good stewards of church finances after their salaries are paid and taken out of the tithes. Consider the sanctity of life before you consider your own personal needs and you will always have enough. Why always more, because it is a basic necessity of life, but because it is a basic necessity of life, we must treasure the everlasting goodness of God and fullful all His requirements in order to fullfil our own earthly needs. More, more, more, why always more?I will tell you why, because people are never happy enough with what they have got, they are never content to sit back and say what I have got is enough. Isn't that a flaw in all of our character, sufficient is never good enough. Just like you need to take your next breath, you need more and more air all the time until you take your final breath and go to paradise to live with God in death.

Where heaven and hell are always there and life everlasting is just eternally more. Which way you are going is up to you, you have to do your choosing now, just like you take your next step or your next breath, you don't know what is waiting around the corner, but God does.Your next meal, your next trip away, your next conversation with a friend or neighbour, it is all in Gods divine will. If everything goes according to plan there will be more next door or just around the corner for you waiting to take that leap of faith and find out what it is. The next second, minute on your watch, day, month, year, decade, century, all requires more of what we do not have yet. Time is just as a precious commodity as money, if not more important and God knows your need either way you go. Consider the birds of the air or the lilies of the field, your father feeds them and clothes you. Surely Soloman in all his splendour what not clothed as beautifully as these. If you are more precious than a sparrow who your father in heaven feeds, then surely you will be given all you need, you of little faith, stop doubting and start to believe.

Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you. We should revel in our fathers love instead of desiring more, more, more all the time. Surely your father knows all these things before you do, He has walked the path before you and he is waiting at the door of heaven to welcome you home. His home, with treasures in heaven.