King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Life, What's That?

Good question, What is life? Is it a living cell, a breathing being, an animal, tree, insect? It is good to ask why, Life, what is that. The truth is we must question the origins and beginning of things, existance and evolution and also the movement and progession of life down through the ages and across the universe. Everything must have a beginning, Life? Where did it all start, was it God's creation out of nothing to speak everything into existance, was the big bang really the start of it all. Was everything really nothing and it all sort of just happened and fitted together. Is there life on other planets, another good question that keeps us all wondering untill we see it for ourselves. Were microrganisms really the formation from the first cells which were made alive by the charged particles of atoms, where did the first atom come from? Substance, matter and material in space must have started somehwere, right?

From giant gaseous planets to a spec of dust that gets in our eye and irrratates us. Life, what is that? a movement of someone, a smile, a gesture or a wave goodbye. Does everything finish in death or are we all designed to live on in eternity forever when and if we die. They say there are two certainties for sure, death and taxes, but we all have to pay taxes, but none of us know what is on the other side until we finally die and hopefully go to be with God in heaven rather than the alternative of death and destruction in hell. If my spirit goes to the wind when I die, hopefully the family will have a lot of photos to show other people of their brother, that was gone and not be left behind. Life, what is it? Once again I must state the obvious it is a good question that we seldom have all the answers for. Is it your life's work that you are worried about, your money in the bank that you can't take with you when you die.

Life in all its greatness is like the concepetion and 9 months formation of a baby that is brought on the earth of a population of over 7 billion people, to find and make their place in the world. Not to mention the millions and billions of different categories of plants and fish. All these things we so easily take for granted, but still sometimes we just need to sit down, sit back and reflect on the meaning of life and existance. Whether life is philosophical or not, whether the earth balances, whether biological or anatomical, whether science has all the answers or religion. At the end of the day it is all about being happy or how mush money you have got in the bank, not about peace and satisfaction of a job well done, Life, well is it? I ask you Why? Is there life on earth?

One day I will know for sure. For the moment I thank God that I am alive and apart from that, what else do you really need to know.