King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

The Establishment Helps

The establishment helps us with a history of proven facts and heirarchical structures that have lead the way of the organistation and into the company of believers. Along with the buildings and infrastructure that support the industry and provide the income through the workers as people of faith who make to produce the goods of the company in the society for exchange of sale with a monetarial figure. The world is full of ingenuity and enhancement and each person has the right and the ability to contribute back into what has been set up and established, whether you are capable or not is indescriminate now, what counts is that you set your heart about to work towards repaying the debt of your education, your countries infrastucture and the betterment of your world.

Paying for health through a health fund organisation and generally just being able to own your own place, all make you a better person. Through paying taxes, the government or the establishment is enabled to continue its work, through paying a taxable income you are helping to pay revenue for your country, even on goods and servics taxes which is the better way to go these days. To aid and assist the continuation of developement and advancement in your community. Providing further infrastructure and equipment for advancement and enhancement we are all benefiting by the establishment, what has been set up before us to continue the good work of governing, aiding and assisting the destitute of our society and those who need to benefit from the establishments prior well doing and good will. Contribution is a necessary skill for developement, not of our own well being but the good of our community.

This work done by one and all is the establishment of our society, it is the mutual enhancement of the utilization of infrastructure being reinvested and developed back into society and directed to those who need it in some way or kind of assistance through help and aid. Of cource you can become part of the establishment itself through investing your own time and energy into the input of activity that benefits your world, community or societal activity. The establishment is like the governing body of your country or state that looks to serve, equipe and enable those of its members or participants to work and serve in its self organisational structure. Without the establishment we all perish and so we need to recognise its importance and offer our assistance to keep it going and support its work activities in the ongoing labour of love.