King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Why Do You Need To Know That ?

Do you know this and that, Why do you need to know these or those? Where and when will you do that? Would they know better than them? Questions are like an opening of a door or a window, they invite you to come in and understand a position. Like a fresh breath of air blowing in the window from the breeze, life is inviting and kind if we should choose to accept it so and embrace it at every opportunity. Why do you need to know that?

Why choose life instead of death, it is a decison we make everday of our lives and every minute. Constantly watching and being aware of what is going on around us, staying alert in case of times of trouble or despair. lIfe is a gift from God and worth more than all the money in the bank put together. Probing questions like the ones I started off this page with are good and healthy for our existence, they help us relate and understand what we need to do, what is required of us and how we can possibly deal with the reality of life when crisis comes. Being able to relate with yourself and others on different persectives is a vital source of knowledge and encouragement. A questioning mind is a reasoning moind, one that seeks a purpose and an understanding to exist.

One that seeks and tries to know everything but is so often thwarted by negativity, pessimism and painful ideas that try our patients and test our nerves. That might seem like a pretty dismal picture to be painting of reality, but it is realistic. Why can't we be happy all the time, rich and enjoying the treasures of heaven on a constant ongoing basis.The thing is that life is about pacing yourself, having enough money when you need it, when the time comes God will see you through and give you what you need. Not necessarily what you want there and then. We all desire more than we can manage, we all have eyes bigger than our stomaches, hearts wiser than out minds, we also have heads bigger than our feet.

We have to be rational and accept our limitations. We have to achknowledge that we can't do it all o our own and we need help from other people. That God is always there in time of desperation and requirement. Why do we need to know that? I guess there really is no logical arguement as to why we have to understand anything, it is just nice to think about that someone else is out there in the same position as me, questioning life, I hope that you all have got or can find the answers to. God has them all for me.