King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

How A Bird Flies

How does a bird fly, it is a good question? apart from its aerodynamic wings and light weightness, with effortless motion and the appearance of easy gliding, it flaps its wings and becomes airborn, as if it all was as simple as that. Apart from being designed like that to fly, a bird with all its airs and graces, is an astonishing sight to see in what apears to be its effortless flight of a journey from A to B to just where it wants to go. Imagine for a moment that you could fly, that you could just look into the air and take off and fly to wherever you wanted to go and land safely in another place, it is as easy as that, but is it. A bird will just take off and decide where to land from a pivotal point of view somewhere in the sky or just hover above accessing the ground call level as to a suitable place to land and find a drink of water or just to perch in some tree way off in the yonder waiting for another place to land as to come into human visibility.

A bird waits for the right wind currents and soars above us in the sky but just gliding back and forth to catch the thermals as they drift in and out of different currents. Like a sea gull flying along side a boat and catching the slipstream and hitching a ride on the wind currents as the ferry or boat goes through the water. I saw one the other day do exactly that, sailing from side to side of the ferry that I was on and having a look at the people from there, three foot above them, across and back and across and back again. It is amazing how they can keep up with the ferry without flapping their wings but just riding on the wind currents as the ferry ploughs through the water. How does a bird fly, have we answered the question yet, Like a plane has jet engines with concave curve under its wing. With a bird, it has feathers that are designed to fly naturally and steer them through the air, as they flap their wings and catch currents in the air or are just self propelled by their own imaginations.

Sometimes climbing very sharply and suddenly to a place high above to get out of a sudden threat of danger or to just sit and watch from there, where they will go next and to where they will be safe. A bird is beautiful to watch in its effortless motion of climbing and soaring, ducking and weaving and just flying along in straight directions, sometimes very long distances. There are some Canadian small birds that fly south for the winter across thousands of miles to Australia and then back again and in flocks of hundreds, yet they are only very small in size. It is an amazing feet of nature that such small birds can fly such long distances with all the strength in their wings and rarely stopping for food or rest as they follow the Pacific Coast along all the way. How do birds fly as if they were self taught by instinct, so that it just comes naturally to them, as if they had always known and were bred for such purposes. Once a bird hatches from the egg its first job is to learn to fly after growing feathers and eating regurgitated food from their mothers. Sometimes by just jumping out of the nest and flying for the very first time they learn that they were born to fly.

They know how to do it from the day they are nearly fully grown. Off and onto the ground where they must learn to fly to survive any would be predators, till they are sure and able in anywhere they want to go. Birds fly over the rainbow, why then oh why can't I.