King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Heaven Minds

Heaven minds what I am doing and what you are doing to. God stores away the treasures of His heavenly memories and waits until the time comes for their need. The memories sit there with Him in the place he has chosen and trod and wait by is side in His heavenly kingdom where angels tremble with fear of wrong. The heavenly rewards are there waiting for us to enjoy and be rewarded by when God is good and ready. Like the rain pouring down in summer or spring and the first bud of the wildflower or the birth of a fawn, God has and holds a place of cherish for you and me. Heaven minds what I do right and what I do wrong and I am judged accordingly to my deeds and words. I am a treasured posseesion by God within His own right and I am at the mercy of the Lord for my misguided pleasures. I am a chosen child of God and He has heavens memories stored up for me in eternity with all the blessings of love and creation.

I can only do what I am allowed to do and if I stray and wander too far he either lets me go or calls me back. It is up to me to do the right thing, to walk the narrow road and path of His righteous calling and not venture too far to the right or left, but keep straight the way to salvation. Heaven minds all the good things and treasures on earth and heavens is calling us to a home and place above. God is mindful of all these things and knows what is right for us if we will only follow and accept the path of righteousness and love. Glory and treasures are unending in the kingdom of God and heaven. Though we oft stray and venture forth on our own path, only to be reminded that God calls us home if we are sinner or saint and that heaven minds what we want and do on our own. We must trust and follow carefully and closely, as heaven minds and stores its riches of life there for us in eternity. Wait on the Lord and look and learn of His forgiveness and salvation.

Watch, be patient and be good if only you care and can, you must. Heaven minds our hearts and heads, only that we follow nearer and closer everyday, not straying to the right or left, but looking unto God always and watching and waiting for His lead. Be good and achknowledge God in all things and areas of your life, keep true to the faith and honest to your God, with one mind and certainty of your home in heaven and the sure foundation of your salvation as you continually trust and obey. God will honour you, if you honour Him, be as sure as the mountains of God's love and all the treaures of God's Kingdom above. Heaven minds what is right and wrong for you, God shines His light out of the dark and onto all of the creation he started with. He shows us His truth and the way to peace, joy and everlasting life and happiness in His allmighty design and heavenly purpose.

Heaven minds His love, joy, grace and peace forever, should you choose to accept it, please do you will never be the same again, if you share forever in God's kingdom of love.