King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Simple Things

Simple things, like simple pleasures are often the best things in life. Life can get pretty complicated and we make things hard on ourselves by trying to get the complexities of our intellingence higher and higher all the time. If it is harder it is probably better for us in the long term, right or wrong? Keeping things simple makes our life easier and more pleasant all the time. I surpose it depends on where your priorities are, time or money. Working slower and more methodically is a more efficient and thorough way of getting things done. To put it simply the easier we make things for oursleves the longer it takes, but the better it is if we pace oursleves right and the more accurate the quality of the job if we do things right. Making life hard on ourselves is not so simple and even though life was not meant to be easy, doing things the tough way all the time, is debtramental to health and can have long term reoccurring repercussions.

Simple things give us pleasure, watching and listening to the breeze through the trees, birds flying from perch to perch. Sitting on the beach when we have worked hard all week, for relaxation is quite a simple luxury but very rewarding mentally and and stress wise. Sure we have to work hard some of the time, but not all of the time. Taking time out to just be happy and relaxed sometimes is very rejuvinating and refreshing or a walk along the beach to pass away your idle time. You can work your self into an early grave by trying to gain monetarial wealth by striving for more than the body can take. We have to learn to go a mile and sit down for a while. Walking more instead of driving everywhere is also more beneficial for your health, they say that for every hour spent driving behind the wheel we should be walking an hour as well. You can walk 3-5 kms per hour depending on the pace, but you can drive 40-110 kms depending on the speed limit.

Sure luxuries make life more comfortable for ouselves, but we need to address the physical aspect of living longer by being less stressful mentally than physically, mental illness is a major killer in America and Australia today, people indulge in more niceties than necessities and the cost is on personal happiness and well being is very high, instead of long term success and aiming for a lengthy age duration.

Basically we love our bank acocunts more than we love each other. Try drinking more water than alcohol and soft drink, try exercising more and travelling less, there is more happiness and stability in the family home than all the luxury motels around the world. There is more joy in domestic duties and reading a book than watching television, because you are accomplishing something worthwhile. Sure we need to get away for a while, weekends in the sun and annual holidays, but six months in the South of France and six months in The Carribean and travelling around the world for the rest of the time, is a bit indulgent. Family, friends and neighbours offer us more satisfaction as long as there is a right relationship with God first. All work and no play makes for a dull person, but all pleasure and no work makes for a poor household, we need the balance of simple things and niceties but we must weigh up the cost before we pay the price.