King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Somehwere over the rainbow skies are blue all right but for those who are search for the rey raincluds between the lines of life and strife are in for a mixed bag of surprises. Sure the sunlit heavens of blue skies smiling down on me and the days of endless pleasures just seem to never come to an end, but for those of you who have indulged in the revelries of drunkeness and missbeahiour the grey clouds of life are about to come around you to haunt you. You have had it good for a long time, or so you thought you did, but in years of famine and drought upon a scorched and barren land of excessive indulgence and exploitation of the harvest, you are in for a miserable and wretched time for the next bit of time in your life. You have sapped the good land for all that it is worth and you have taken everything that you could for yourself, but your squandered existence of pity and self shame is being brought to the attention fo your God. No more lavish parties with beer and wine unending, no more sexual indulgence in orgies and pornography. You are not only spiritually poor but you are morally bankrupt.

Your corrupt and burning desires for all you can get, have gone unoticed until now and it is time to pay the price. They are the hard words of the prophets of The Old Testament, we have all been called to account for our spending and indulgences, a drought and burning land, a season of famine and fasting from the heat, that is the way it is and we are all going to suffer and pay for it. No not really you say, God's kingdom is not like that, is it? It is a land of plenty and indulgence, it is a land of grace and mercy you say, with conservation and replenishment and the traditonal foundations of a righteous church. Somewhere over the rainbow all my troubles will just dissappear and fly away, I will go to a place called heaven when I die and there will be no more tears and pain of anquish, sorry I am afraid that this is where the but stops now, the time has come to repent and help to heal this land, to achknowledge God as your Lord and saviour, to look past yourself to someone greater than you who can help. We are all lost in the land of never never where the well has run dry and the crops are fading. Soemwhere over the rainbow in the long not too distant future, God will forgive us and show His mercy and grace and kindness, if we will only turn and repent from our sins.

Heaven is that place over the rainbow where the grass grows green and the sheep and cattle have enough to eat, where the skies are blue, but only for as long as it takes in between for the grey clouds to rain down showers of blessings upon us of abundance once again. They are not grey clouds of misery really, but joy and happiness and the hope of plenty. The flooding rains will heal this land but only through the spirit of God and His mercy for our provisions. We need to be filled with the love of God and not the self indulgent luxuries of greed and desire which only creates envy, pride and jealousy. Somewhere over the rainbow all else is heaven in those places that have been loyal to God, that is where there is peace, blessings and happiness. Where the people hurt and cry out in pain for God, God is there and hears them, while for all us others who rely on our self dependence, there is no room for God. Give in, break and bend and hurt a little bit, give to God what is His, your very lives so that he can in turn give back and reward you with what you really need, the rain and showers of God's love and heavenly blessings.

That is where God is, somewhere over the rainbow in a dream come true, we must seek and search the heart of God and call on Him for all our needs and rely on His riches in heaven and not our own.