King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Intelligence Helps

Someone once said to me, if you had a brain you would be dangerous. My mother said, that someone told her that she only had half a brain and it gave her an inferiority complex for a long time. The fact is not whether you have a brain, we all have brains, it is how much you use your brain that is the most important key. Even if you have only got a half a brain in someone elses eyes they may have the only a half a brain themself and if you combine the two you would have a whole brain to work things out, maybe there is some sense in that I don't know for sure, but communication should help. Einstein used 99% of his brain and they say that most people only use about ten percent of theirs. Intelligence helps and the brain has enormous amounts of treasures troves there in stored up capacity if we only find a way and the key to tap into it. Jesus was the key to life and we would be well informed to listen to His wise words on life. I don't know how much of His brain he used but maybe seeing that He was perfect it must have been 100%, Einstein will have to pay homage for 1%. In His 33 years of short lifespan, Jesus conquered the world, not necessarily physically on the whole earth but in His mind and through his brain he had overcome the world.

Two thousand years later He is still trying to conquer the earth through teachings and parables, an enormous legacy to leave behind. Yes, intelligence helps and Jesus was a wise teacher, but we live in a modern technological world where everything is done at the push of a button in zero seconds flat. I guess it takes a little longer to build a new car and the 2020 edition will far outcede the Model T Ford. The technology and the intelligence that goes into bulding a new car or nearly anything these days with assistance from the latest and most up to date computers has and holds an enormous amount of intelligence from within the companies system and structure. These companies operate on and by people that use their brains to develope these luxurious things of modern day comfort and value. Not only does it help to have some intellingence in life but using your intelligence is the very essense and life blood of economic advancement and educational achievement. The fact is, that for intelligence purposes we simply have to use our brains, to satisfy the needs of others for a small consideration to live on.

To build ships, planes, trains and rockets to take us to the next planet or to last the distance on this one. Technology advances all the time and tapping into our brain power is what makes and drives us not only to success, but to longetivity and advancement globally. We need to refine our minds to think more about work than money and we will be happier, healthier and more wise in making money rather than storing away huge supllies of our own self indulgences in personel self gratification and self glory. We need to think for everybody else if we are going to be rich on earth and in order to do that you have to teach them all to think for themselves. It is a catch 22 cleche that goes around in a never ending nonstop circle and spiral that elads to self dependance and we no where that gets us, right back where we started from, but at least we have tried and that is what using your brain is all about, infiltrating and initiating intelligence and using it for a positive force in nature and beyond the visible scope of the forseeable future which is held within the finite mind.

Think beyond the square, think outside the circle and look deep into the heart and soul of things where the intelligence of the mind waits to be tapped into and sort out, try it for yourself, it really is not that hard if you are prepared to give it a go. Yes intelligence is a condition of the working brain, but the mind is the source of al things and we have to connect our brains to integrate into the mind to find out what and where the realm of intelligence of the future really is and what it is all about