King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Knowing How Things Work

We often wonder how things work, why people make more money than we do and being well trained, qualified in skills and having tools of the trade, gives enormous scope and aptitude to doing business in the community. Knowing how things work is what gives you the job, suplies your daily needs through work and pay and also gives you an understanding on the more important things of life in that what is I eman by that, common sense. Knowing how things work is a translucent form of common sense and it can also be a detailed blow by blow description of basic things in that by taking one step at a time you are also setting building blocks of foundation for success. Knowing how things work, through qualifications, trade skills or detailed learning of literature and procedure, gives insight into the know how and a more thorough undersatanding of your living conditions and working environment.

Knowhow, equips you with the right understanding to explain technology, modernize procedures and work responsibly in everyday situations and real life work places. Knowing how things work, also enables you a brighter future, because you have a trained mind which recognises and understands what you needed to do to equip yourself with things, in order to carry out daily tasks and work orders. Like the digestion system of the body in processing food and absorbing nutrients into the blood stream or the hydration of water for flowing into the bodies cooling system to keep us alive and not over heating. Knowing how things work, serves a purpose in understanding the rationality of life and the way things should be in order for them to work properly. We need to think intelligently, to understand wisdom and know what makes things tick, this means obtaining a form of intercooperation which reacts like stem cells like the bodies DNA.

This higher form of life or being is what sets humans above the animals and gives us self awareness, like an inbuilt dignity to survive. Animals fight for their life to live, but humans do it with empathy and compassion or at least they should. When we understand ourselves, we know how the human mind thinks and ticks, like playing a piano concerto in a concert hall, we obtain pride and confidence from knowing what we are doing. This magnified repetioire of knowledge on how to do things grants us understanding and how to reproduce out network of supplies as if it were reordering the human mind for longetivity. If we think well act on our premonitions from what we think is right, then we can produce a crop in many of hundreds of times more than what we were dealt with, the secret is in knowing how, and the way we achieve the results or objectives for completion is just as important as to why we try and do anything in the first place.

The know how of life, is the what, the way and the who, it makes the meaning of why things work in the first place, listen to wise words on life and you will know how things work to.