King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

Are You Dreaming?

Are you dreaming of a brighter future and better things to come or have you taken the day off to do your own things and are you floating around on cloud nine in heaven while everyone else is at work doing their hard earned slog. It is hard to decide sometimes and pick and choose what we are actually doing and why. If I work hard for more money, then I can buy what I like. But if you choose to take the day off and live in happiness and bliss then who am I to stop you or stand in the way of what you want, that is if you can be happy without being productive and complaining that you do not have enough money in the bank for an overseas holiday or new car or house. That is the reality of life sometimes, we don't feel like going to work for an employer who wants us to slave away all day for them and will pay us well, we don't want to take things easy when we are at work or we won't have our job very long. We seem to want to have to weigh these things in the balance, am I better off at the beach on the doll or am I better off saving for a house and family who I can love, suppport and have a relationship with.

But I have to be prepared to pay the price long term, there is no shortcuts, easy way out or wish list grants given by the Governement for your personal happiness. If you want something abd enough you have to be prepared to sit down and work everything out so that you pay the price. It all seems so good and easy to me as I write these lines of love and labour, with faith that my hard work will one day pay off and I will get what I really want, but in the mean time it is just a matter of working my way through things in a logical progression to see how God can use them and hopefully one day turn and reward them financially or materially for a family. Are you just dreaming about what you want or are you making some kind of hard ditch effort to see that you plans are fulfilled, did you pray about them and ask God to help you and show you how you can actually make them come into fruition. Have you got a better idea that I have not thought of, maybe you just want to work as hard as you can for as long as you can till you get what you wnat or something brakes and gives way in the mean time.

Have you even given any thought for your life ahead or devised a plan or how to succeed in your quest, may you just live in dreamland, waiting for everything to be just dropped in your lap one day, then bingo you have got everything you have ever wanted. That si not real life, not in my books anyway. Where to you go from there, if you have not made any kind of work effort, then you will never really know how everyone else gets what they want from a trained mind or adaptation to physical endurance. You have to do the work, it is as simple as that, you have to dedicate your life to service and in the kingdom of God, He will reward you with what you really need and desire through patient persistance and obedience. No simple shortcuts, no easy way out, it is all hard slog for hard gain or you will find that you don't really get to keep what you have obtained. Live in dreamland if you like and can, for everyone else there is reality.