King Of Paradise


Literature by Darel Robert McAllister

literature by darel robert mcallister

What Makes Things Ideal

What makes things ideal is the question that I am looking at now? The state of perfection would mean that things were always ideal, unfortunately that is not the reality of everyday life. However it is wise to head in that direction and aim for a perfect world, of what might be the ultimate desired state, but inhumanities reflexct a slightly more negative picture of what is the normal reality. So what does make things ideal, working toward that final goal, putting plans and procedures in place to aim in that direction and also just trying to make life better all around for everyone by kindness of thought, word and deed. We have to relect on reality as that is the key to working towards our goal of a total state of perfection, of course it is not easy and appears to be at a distance far too far down the track in the future to even try and concieve it now. But our own effort and contribution on a daily basis makes a difference and changes things towards that ultimate picture of a clear, clean and a perfectly right ideal world, if there ever will be such a thing.

Having a beautiful environment and lovely surroundings of a tropical paradise in the form of a pool with palm trees overhead, a outdoor bed or banana lounge to lie on, sipping cool drinks of your choice, mine might be a fruit cocktail, nonalcoholic of course.This heavenly created picture of paradise maybe appealing to you as an ideal world, but it is not the ultimate reality as people are meanwhile working in their offices doing hard labour, just to get what you have got there then and now. It is not even a matter of jealousy, but time management because I am sure that you were them and they changed places with you at some stage of the game. But here we have it, a picture of paradise in the ideal world, or at least it is to me. Are we working towards that pictrure perfect or is the family home in the middle of suburbia good enough for you as it appears to be for most people in most cities. So what makes things finally ideal, love and romance with your partner forever, having four or more of your kids growing up and getting successful jobs for the process to start all over again with you as grandparents.

We have to work hard to get what we want and this process of doing what needs to be done to get to the ultimate state or perfection, the so called ideal world is a never ending ongoing process of work getting done as a labour of love. Are you starting to get the picture now, as I have tried to fill you in on the details of how I think it should be, but what is actually how we go through the process instead of attaining the end result all the time. This is liofe on earth it was created as a paradise and we have made it something different and we are all working towards getting it back into its pristine condition because it was better before we touched it all and now after all this time can we still be happy to say that this is how we wanted it and made it for oursleves to live with.

That is what makes things ideal, constant work to preserve the beauty of the natural environment, it appears negative and self defeting but really it is still our common goal and purpose. I will leave it at that.